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MARIA KELLERMAN: 2023 Top Lideres Awards; Jacksonville

What is your Hispanic Heritage: Venezuelan

What area of Florida do you live in?

Maria: Ponte Vedra Beach

What is your profession?

Maria: Process Design Engineer @ Allstate CO

Latin Times Magazine: Tell us about what you do for a living and how you got into it.

Maria Kellerman: I currently work with Allstate CO as a Process Design Engineer 

Latin Times Magazine: In your industry, what would you say separates you from your competition

Maria Kellerman: I constantly keep learning to add new skills to my knowledge and focus on helping others as much as I can.

Latin Times Magazine:  Why do you feel you were nominated

Maria Kellerman: Our concept is inclusive and address a GREAT need in our community!

Latin Times Magazine:  During Covid-19, tell us about your Biggest Challenge/obstacle and how you overcame it/or are overcoming it

Maria Kellerman: Stopping and breathing! Not everything has to be solved now, so taking time to focus on the NOW and enjoy family time.

Latin Times Magazine: Tell us about your biggest achievement, and how you achieved it

Maria Kellerman: It took me almost 10 years, but I got people on my way that supported my vision… Thank you all for making Venezuela Marka Foundation a reality, we couldn’t have made it without you!

Latin Times Magazine:  What is next for you? What can people expect to see from you?

Maria Kellerman:  Expanding into providing music and art classes in Spanish, Portuguese & English

Latin Times Magazine:  What does being a U.S. Citizen mean to you?

Maria Kellerman: Means FREEDOM and a world of opportunity to be whoever you want to be

Latin Times Magazine:  What is your opinion of the state of affairs in our nation? And what role do you see Hispanics/Latinos playing in the future of our nation.

Maria Kellerman: We need to reconnect with empathy and focus to help our community as a group to improve it in overall

Latin Times Magazine: What is the best lesson that you have learned in leadership and how has it helped your career?

Maria Kellerman:  As Hispanics we are considered to work hard, however during my time in leadership I was shared the following advice “Work Smart, not HARD”

Latin Times Magazine:  What is YOUR comida Latina favorita?

Maria Kellerman: The Arepa (Obviously!) 

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