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Maura Cruz Lanz; 2021 Top Latina Liders in Florida!

Updated: Jan 1

What is your Hispanic Heritage: Cuban

What area of Florida do you live in: Tampa

What is your profession: Currently retired Business owner from Manuel Lanz Construction. Since retiring I wanted to give back to my community so in 2020, I ran for Hillsborough County Board of Commissioner District 3.

Meet Maura and other Lideres at the Hispanic Heritage Celebration at 3rd Annual FORD Taste Of Latino Festival on Sunday, Oct 17th @ Centro Asturiano! (

Latin Times Magazine: Tell us about what you do for a living and how you got into it?

Maura: We currently run Lanz Rentals, we manage rental properties which we own and developed when we were in the construction business.

Latin Times Magazine: In your industry, what would you say separates you from your competition?

Maura: In the rental business we personally manage the properties to keep our rentals affordable, and we work with the tenants and try to help when they are struggling.

Latin Times Magazine: During Covid-19, tell us about your Biggest Challenge/obstacle and how you overcame it/or are overcoming it?

Maura: We had to deal with a lot of unknown fears and questions about the virus. The thing that concerned me the most was when Pastor Rodney Howard Brown was arrested. I saw so many unconstitutional mandates, and our rights were being taken away. That’s when I knew I needed to run for public office. My family fled communist Cuba I didn’t want to see it in the USA.

Latin Times Magazine: Tell us about your biggest achievement, and how you achieved it (Covid or non-related)

Maura: My biggest accomplishment was when I met Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior in 1984. My testimony of it was aired on The 700 Club in 2016. My family is my biggest joy, I love being an Abuela to our 6 grandchildren. Also building a successful Construction business with my husband was very fulfilling to me.

Latin Times Magazine: What is next for you? What can people expect to see from you?

Maura: I am still extremely concerned about the direction of our country is headed. I plan on another run for office to hopefully make a difference for We the People, in the USA. I am not sure what office yet.

Latin Times Magazine: What does being a U.S. Citizen mean to you?

Maura: It means God given freedoms and Liberty. I witnessed the atrocities that were committed in Cuba by the Castro regime. My family, like many others suffered greatly. We can not standby and do nothing.

Latin Times Magazine: What is your opinion of the state of affairs in our nation?

Maura: The current state of the USA is very disheartening to me. I never thought that I would see the very destruction of our country from within by those that are sworn to protect her, and the people. We can no longer stay silent, nor not be involved in our government. Latin Times Magazine: What words of encouragement can you offer? Maura: We were founded as a nation under God, and His word. We must return to God; He alone can heal and restore our land. I am reminded of II Chronicles 7:14 “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. ” We still have the opportunity to try and save our country from a communist takeover.

Latin Times Magazine: What is YOUR comida Latina favorita?

Maura: White rice, black beans, piccadillo, and platanitos.

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